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Murray Edwards College
University of Cambridge

She Talks Science blog: how to contribute

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    25 Apr

    Information about the blog and how to contribute

    She Talks Science Blog entries fall under the following four categories:

    Category A:  An item from a female scientist about their work.
    Category B: An item about a science issue: current news, interesting research, etc.
    Category C: An item from a school student in Year 12 who identifies as female and who is keen to contribute to the blog about anything science-related.
    Category D: An item from a current Murray Edwards student about their studies (in a science subject) at the University of Cambridge.

    If you are interested in submitting an item for categories A, B or D, please contact


    Category C: item from a school student – information for teachers

    We encourage teachers to get in touch with us if they would like their school to be involved with the blog.

    What the teacher needs to do

    • Let us know that your school would like to take part. Please email
    • Invite interested students to submit a blog item to you for consideration.
    • Within the school select the winning item and submit it to us, along with a photo.

    What we will do

    • Check the item and edit it slightly (if needed). 
    • Upload it onto our blog as one of the ‘Category C’ items.
    • Send the winning student a She Talks Science hoodie.


    We look forward to hearing from you!