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Murray Edwards College
University of Cambridge

Gap years

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Photo of student Amy Hawking
Student Amy Hawking used Gateway funding to travel to South East Asia

Gap Years (between school and university) can work well. We offer Gateway Gap Year Scholarships to selected students. Experience of working with these students suggests that a 'good' gap year (i.e. a year which is rewarding for you and good preparation for your studies at Cambridge) often contains the following elements:

  1. Some time in temporary employment - to earn money and to gain confidence and experience in a job.
  2. Some time travelling - to widen your experience and to gain confidence in making plans and in looking after yourself.
  3. Some academic enrichment - i.e. some activity linked to what you will study which will help to reinforce and extend your ability and interests. You can interpret this widely: a linguist might choose to live and work abroad, an historian might choose to travel to a country with a recent history of political upheaval, an engineer might undertake a work placement in industry, an economist might review the perceived costs/benefits of a local development and write a report for a local newspaper.

Read about the experiences of some recent gap year students at Murray Edwards College.

If you are applying to this College during your gap year remember to be available for interviews (held in December).